Ben Lau of the NY Wall Street Dragons has generously shared the following series of workouts:
- For Distance and early in the paddling season I paddle for 5000 Meters alternating sides every 1000 meters and eventually in a month, I work up to 10000 Meters. Paddlers can start off at 2000 meters and work up or switch sides at every 500 meters. I use a damper setting of 6. My effort is between 75-80% and pickup the effort in the last 1000.
- When I practice for the indoor regatta (I practice for the 1000 and the 500 Meter) I do four 1000 meter pieces and I rest about 5 minutes between each piece:
- The first and fourth piece I go for time
- The second piece I start out strong and pace the rest of the 1000 meters. I try to paddle strong like a start for about 250 meters and try to build the start up to 400 meters and then pace the rest.
- The third piece I do the reverse and I pace my paddle and the do at finish 750 meters. In the future I try to start my finish earlier and earlier trying finish starting at 600 meters
- When start doing the 500 Meter pieces a few weeks later, I just go for time and using the longer start and earlier finish with a faster pace since the distance is shorter
- When I practice with my team members:
- I warm up paddling 1000 meters and switching sides at the 500 meter mark
- Do two 600 meter pieces recording the time on each side and we cycle these pieces amongst three paddlers and no more than four paddlers
- Do two 400 meter pieces recording the time on each side and we cycle these pieces amongst three paddlers
- Do two 200 meter pieces recording the time on each side and we cycle these pieces amongst three paddlers
Thanks, Ben!